sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2011

Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death - Rising in the East HD

Depois de ter assistido pela segunda vez a um concerto de Judas Priest,desta vez no Pavilhão Atlântico,em Lisboa dia 27 de Julho de 2011,a primeira tinha sido em 1998 no Dramático de Cascais,elegi Beyond The Realms Of Death,do LP Stained Class de 1977,onde nesta magnífica malha o guitarrista Glenn Tipton,mostra num fantástico solo toda a sua classe,mas este extracto é do genial dvd Rising In The East,ao vivo no Budokan de Tokyo em 2005,a maior sala de espectáculos,fechada do mundo,e durante a tour do disco Angel Of Retribution,desse mesmo ano.Ho(A).


He had enough
He couldn't take anymore
He'd found a place
In his mind and slammed the door
No matter how they tried
They couldn't understand
They washed and dressed him
Fed him by hand

Yeah! I've left the world behind
I'm safe here in my mind
Free to speak with my own kind
This is my life, this is my life
I'll decide not you

Withdrawn he'd sit there
Stare blank into space
No sign of life
Would flicker on his face
Until one day he smiled
It seemed as though with pride
The wind kissed him
Goodbye - and then he died

Yeah! I've left the world behind
I'm safe here in my mind
Free to speak with my own kind
This is my life, this is my life
I'll decide not you

Keep the world with all its sin
It's not fit for livin' in
Yeah! I will start again
It can take forever, and ever, and ever
And ever, but I'll still win.

[SOLO (Glenn)]

How many like him,
Are there still
But to us, all
Seem to have lost the will
They lie in thousands
Plagued and lost
Is nothing worth this bitter cost

Yeah! I've left the world behind
I'm safe here in my mind
Free to speak with my own kind
This is my life, this is my life
I'll decide not you

Keep the world with all its sin
It's not fit for livin' in

[SOLO (K.K.)]

Beoynd the realms of death.

Running Wild-Demonized.Um tema de combate,que aborda precisamente o nuclear.

De Hamburgo ,Os Running Wild=Corredores Selvagens,formados nessa cidade por Rolf Kasparek(1 7 1961) em 1976,foram uma banda de speed metal que terminou as suas actividades em 2009,por decisão de Rolf,seu fundador,vox,guitarra,letrista​.Aqui Demonized tema contra o nuclear,que hoje cai que nem ginjas,Ho(A).

Modern man is going crazy,
the whole world is going mad
The atmosphere is going hazy,
they loot the world until its dead

...The hell of war that rages on,
the law of hate that's everywhere
Falling bombs a billion tons,
plunge the world into dispair

An evil, frightening nightmare
that rules the world until the end
No change and no redemption
will come until the evil's banned

Demonized, the machinery pollutes the air
Demonized, atomic bombs that sow dispair

Politicians rule the lie,
misuse the law to make their pile
Corrupted whores of deepest dye,
they ruin the world, but they keep their smile

An evil, frightening nightmare
that rules the world until the end
No change and no redemption
will come until the evil's banned

Demonized, the machinery pollutes the air
Demonized, atomic bombs that sow dispair

They invade the world with blinded rage
Revealing truth'locked to a cage
War and death their evil seed
They hold their power on dirty deeds

Religious con-men are catching souls,
take the money that's rolling in
They cheat the world to save their goals,
let children die while they pray and sing

An evil, frightening nightmare
that rules the world until the end
No change and no redemption
will come until the evil's banned

Demonized, the machinery pollutes the air
Demonized, atomic bombs that sow dispair
Demonized, corrupted men that pray the lie
Demonized, they save the money let people die

"That rotten bastards!"

Rolf KasparekSee More

Bomba Atômica - Hiroshima - Fantástico 1976 (Parte I).Fez hoje 66 anos que se perpetrou o maior crime da humanidade a 6 de Agosto de de 1945.

‎6 de Agosto de 1945,Super Stratofortress B 29,Enola Gay,comandada pelo tenente coronel Paul Tibbets,8.15 AM,potência 13 Kton,que arrasou praticamente a cidade de Hiroshima no Japão,assassinando mais de 80 mil seres vivos.A bomba explodiu a 500 mt do solo,no epicentro da explosão,aquilo provocou uma onda de calor de 55 milhões de graus.Líderes assassinos,Ho(A).

Bomba Atômica Hiroshima Fantastico 1976 (Parte II) 6 de Agosto de 1945/6 de Agosto de 2011.66 anos depois do crime.

Que raio de seres humanos são estes?Que estirpe de gente é esta?e ainda os apoiam,andam atrás deles como lacaios?Escória de líderes,de poder,de dinheiro,de ambição,de ganância de ter,de esmagar o seu próximo e semelhante.O Japão é uma lição,levou com 2 bombas nucleares,e num terreno com mais de 1500 sismos por ano,se fosse aqui estávamos q tod@s mort@s,Ho(A).

sábado, 25 de junho de 2011

domingo, 12 de junho de 2011